Yibing SUN

The golden age of New China started from the reform and opening up. During that period the whole nation just moved out of the past and entered the new times. I was born in that period when the gate of country just opened, and people got free from the long-term traditional view. My  elder generation, who led that era forward in their golden age are now getting old. I am still curious about their daily life in present China, and the park is one of special places for them to show themselves.

The project <in the park> that shows my elder generation, who has experienced the golden age of New China, are now exercising and showing off their hormones on the public fitness facilities in the park, I want to focus on a particular relationship between their imagination and their performance on fitness equipment.


《in the park》这个摄影项目展现了经历过黄金年代的父辈们在公园的公共健身空间内锻炼并炫耀着自己荷尔蒙的各种景象,我希望把关注点放在他们的想象力与健身器械碰撞在一起时所发生的奇妙关系上。

© Yibing SUN